At Perrinville Family Dentistry, we are proud to introduce the Solea® laser into our array of dental services, offering a leap forward in patient comfort and precision in dental procedures. The Solea laser is a state-of-the-art device that uses advanced technology to perform a wide range of dental treatments without the need for drills or needles in many cases. This innovative approach significantly enhances the dental care experience, providing a less invasive, more comfortable option for our patients.

The Solea laser works by delivering a unique wavelength of light energy to precisely cut through tooth structure as well as soft tissue. This method allows us to perform fillings, gum reshaping and even some types of cavity removal without the discomfort traditionally associated with dental procedures. The laser’s precision ensures minimal impact on surrounding tissues, which can lead to quicker recovery times and less discomfort during and after treatment.

Benefits of choosing the Solea laser for your dental treatments include:

  • Reduced anxiety and discomfort, as the need for drills and needles is minimized
  • Faster treatment times, allowing for most procedures to be completed more quickly
  • Less noise, eliminating the sound of the dental drill, which can be a source of stress for many patients
  • Improved healing and recovery, thanks to the laser’s precision and minimal tissue impact
  • A broader range of treatments completed in a single visit, enhancing convenience for our patients

Embrace the future of dental care with Solea laser treatments in Edmonds, Washington. We are excited to offer this advanced technology to make your dental visits more comfortable and efficient. To experience the difference the Solea laser can make in your next dental procedure, contact us today at 425-670-2392 to schedule your appointment with our dentists, Dr. Kumudra Soe or Dr. Gary Jacky. Discover a new level of dental care that prioritizes your comfort and time.